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1 User
Unlimited Campaigns
Unlimited Spend
Google & Microsoft Campaigns
Version History
AI Ad Writing
Landing Page Analysis
Keyword Research & Tools
LTV Funnel Maps
Competitor Research
Campaign Sharing
Keyword Sharing
Ad Sharing
Funnel Map PDF Exports
Landing Page Analysis PDF Exports
JavaScript + Wordpress DKI Plug-in
Cloudflare DKI
800,000 Monthly AI/Research Credits
Priority Support
Ad Alchemy Growth Club
Great for solo PPC operators.
5 Users
Everything in the Solo Plan but in a Team Plan
2 Million Monthly AI/Research Account Credits
Need more users? Contact us.
Ideal for use by both agencies and in-house teams.
$1188 Annually
1 User
Unlimited Campaigns
Unlimited Spend
Google & Microsoft Campaigns
Version History
AI Ad Writing
Landing Page Analysis
Keyword Research & Tools
LTV Funnel Maps
Competitor Research
Campaign Sharing
Keyword Sharing
Ad Sharing
Funnel Map PDF Exports
Landing Page Analysis PDF Exports
JavaScript + Wordpress DKI Plug-in
Cloudflare DKI
800,000 Monthly AI/Research Credits
Priority Support
Ad Alchemy Growth Club
Great for solo PPC operators.
$2999 Annually
5 Users
Everything in the Solo Plan but in a Team Plan
2 Million Monthly AI/Research Account Credits
Need more users? Contact us.
Ideal for use by both agencies and in-house teams.
1 User
Unlimited Campaigns
Unlimited Spend
Google & Microsoft Campaigns
Version History
AI Ad Writing
Landing Page Analysis
Keyword Research & Tools
LTV Funnel Maps
Competitor Research
30 million AI/Research Credits (one time - don't expire)
Campaign Sharing
Keyword Sharing
Ad Sharing
Funnel Map PDF Exports
Landing Page Analysis PDF Exports
JavaScript + Wordpress DKI Plug-in
Cloudflare DKI
Priority Support
Ad Alchemy Growth Club
Great for solo PPC operators.
5 Users
Everything in the Solo Plan but in a Team Plan
100 Million AI/Research Account Credits
(one time - don't expire)
Need more users? Contact us.
Ideal for use by both agencies and in-house teams.
The Ad Alchemy Growth Club
Tap into the wisdom of PPC experts delivering unique content and advice weekly.
Here you can ask questions from other people and share your knowledge so everyone gets better.
The Ad Alchemy team shares specific how to's and insights to help you beat out your competitors.
We are building out courses and guided instructions to help you level up your skills.
There is nothing better than live and interactive instruction. Join us for live sessions and Q&As.
We share resources like Wordpress plug-ins, scripts and checklists to make sure you are winning!
We don't need to toot our own horn. Others do that for us!
I have been uploading very big campaigns with a ton of highly targeted ad groups very easily, quickly and flawlessly. It almost feels like cheating! Dude, you seriously are giving every person that gets this software and uses PPC a ginormous pay raise this year.
I still value my time as much as the next guy and the time SpeedPPC saves me is massive compared to what I used to spend on my PPC campaigns. Whenever I need to make a high volume of changes to my campaigns it usually takes me about 5 minutes instead of all day – no exaggeration.
The volume is up, and could be a ton more if I had the buyers, but the cost per conversion is down $3 on the first day with out optimizing the good and bad converting keywords. May not sound like much, but I am getting 500+ leads/day in one of the most competitive markets in the US.
You can imagine my surprise when I started to see leads come in on this new campaign within hours of setting it up. If you are looking to increase your productivity 10,000%, this tool will take your PPC game to the next level.
SpeedPPC provides a simple and clean UI to speed up the process that would otherwise take many man hours. SpeedPPC will be a huge time saver. Highly recommended.
SpeedPPC feels tidy and structured. SpeedPPC makes it very easy to achieve professional results with minimal effort; even for Ads beginners. Highly recommended!
SpeedPPC helps me segment and cluster keywords and adgroups to an extensive degree, which helps me to build very large paid search campaigns that are highly targeted within minutes! It is a must have tool for any professional SEM!